<img height="1" width="1" style="display:none" src="https://www.facebook.com/tr?id=546568002441063&amp;ev=PageView&amp;noscript=1"> Restorative Dentistry Archives - Cedar Walk Dentistry
Invisalign FAQ: Your Top Questions Answered!August 29, 2024Read More >>Key Takeaways: Invisalign: It is a clear aligner system used to straighten teeth without traditional braces. Clear Aligners: The aligners are custom-made […]
Invisalign vs. Smile Direct: What Is The Difference?July 31, 2024Read More >>Key Takeaways: Invisalign and Smile Direct: Both clear aligner treatments for straightening teeth, but Invisalign offers better precision and effectiveness. Main Difference: […]
Itchy Gums: Causes, Relief, and PreventionApril 16, 2024Read More >>Key Takeaways: Importance of Good Oral Hygiene: Itchy gums often result from plaque buildup, which can lead to gingivitis or more serious […]

Cedar Walk

Family and Cosmetic Dentistry Blog

April 16, 2024

Itchy Gums: Causes, Relief, and Prevention

Key Takeaways: Importance of Good Oral Hygiene: Itchy gums often result from plaque buildup, which can lead to gingivitis or more serious […]
April 7, 2024

The Benefits of Dental Implant Surgical Guides

Key Takeaways: Enhanced Precision with Surgical Guides: Dental implant surgical guides, created using advanced 3D imaging software and printed impressions, offer dentists […]
March 21, 2024

Wisdom Teeth Removed: 5 Signs You May Need to Remove Yours

Key Takeaways: Not All Wisdom Teeth Require Removal: While wisdom teeth removal is common, it’s not necessary for everyone. If there’s enough […]
March 10, 2024

Tips For Wisdom Teeth Pain Relief: All You Need To Know

Key Takeaways: Causes and Complications of Wisdom Teeth Pain: Wisdom teeth typically emerge between the ages of 17 and 21, often causing […]
February 29, 2024

How Does a Dentist Extract a Tooth? A Step-by-Step Guide

Key Takeaways: Understanding the Tooth Extraction Process: This blog provides a thorough explanation of tooth extraction from consultation to aftercare, covering multiple […]
February 29, 2024

What to Expect During “Getting a Tooth Pulled” Surgery

Key Takeaways: Understanding Types of Tooth Extractions: This article distinguishes between simple and surgical tooth extractions, with simple being performed on visible […]
February 29, 2024

How Much is a Dental Extraction?

Key Takeaways: Understanding Dental Extraction Procedure: Dental extractions involve extracting teeth from their socket in the jawbone. Depending on its complexity, extraction […]
November 15, 2023

How Do Dental Implants Work

Dental implants restore your smile and your ability to chew with permanently fixed tooth replacements. Some of our patients interested in this […]
October 31, 2023

What is Periodontal Therapy?

We offer periodontal therapy at Cedar Walk Dentistry for our patient’s convenience. This vital aspect of oral health is critical to helping […]
September 29, 2023

Can a Dentist Do a Root Canal

When you go to your dentist with a painful tooth, they may recommend that you get a root canal for treatment. After […]
July 14, 2022

Why Are My Gums Itching? Your Questions Answered

Key Takeaways: Plaque Build-Up and Tartar Formation: Gums itching can start with plaque build-up on teeth and gums. Plaque contains bacteria that […]
April 17, 2020

What is Considered a Dental Emergency and What to Do if One Occurs

Key Takeaways: Identifying Dental Emergencies vs. Non-Emergencies: Many dental issues cause pain and inflammation but are not necessarily emergencies. It’s crucial to […]